On Sunday, April 28, Marketing Specialist Raelyn Pracht presented CEF Rep David Theis with Messiah Lutheran Church in Boerne’s 2023 Loan Rebate Check. Over twenty members of the congregation have faithfully invested in Texas CEF, giving Messiah the opportunity to earn a loan rebate every year for the past five years! What a wonderful milestone!

Loan rebate checks offer a fantastic way to see tangible returns on your investments. Texas CEF is grateful for the dedication of the congregation members and their commitment to investing in Texas CEF.
Not sure how the loan rebate is calculated? Each month, the total number supporting investments for each eligible church is divided by the current loan balance. This tells us what supporting investment level the church is at and what percentage annual rebate they will receive back. . After the end of Texas CEF’s fiscal year (January 31) a check is written and sent to the congregation for the amounts earned for the previous twelve months. The checks usually arrive during the second half of February each year.
You can find out more and download our Incentive Rebate Plan (PDF) at Texas District CEF Loan Rebates
Loan Rebates are just one more way your investments make a difference!