Last year brought with it economic challenges. Many of our Texas congregations and our investors felt the impact of these. Texas District Church Extension Fund (Texas District CEF) has boldly and responsibly turned these challenges into OPPORTUNITIES.
As we revisit our mission statement:
Through investments from Texas District LCMS congregations and their members, Church Extension Fund will be the preferred financial resources partner for district ministries focused on multiplying followers of Jesus.
we are reminded of the “great commission.” It is by His grace and loving hands that we can remain focused on meeting the needs of our wonderful partners in ministry – congregations and YOU!
We stand ready and committed to being and remaining the preferred financial resources partner for our investors and congregations by:
- Raising our investment rates, so we can continue to be a low-cost loan provider for district ministries focused on multiplying followers of Jesus.
- Developing new investment products, like the Jumbo investment, to fit specific needs.
Texas District CEF walks together with you – serving you, your family, and your congregation – wherever you are and wherever you hope to be financially.
Find out about our offerings and the current interest rates at or call one of our Investor Services Representatives today at 1-888-951-1233 and they would be happy to assist you!