Deut. 28:9: “The Lord will establish you as a people holy to himself, as he has sworn to you, if you keep the commandments of the Lord your God and walk in his ways.”
Learning how to walk a new way is always hard. We strive in our lives to make headway on the paths life’s journey takes us. As Christians we leave church on Sunday, knowing we are forgiven and trained in new ways of how to walk in this fallen society. We always have the best intentions to walk as the forgiven people of God yet seem to stumble. Christ always finds us, picks us up, and carries us when we stray from Godly paths. Every day is a new day that God has set before us, establishes for us to follow His lead.
At St. John Lutheran Church in Athens we are finishing up our building project. The final phase includes installing new flooring. Before the floors were laid, our congregation took two weeks to pray and write our favorite Bibles verses on the concrete floor. Those verses were written in permanent marker. When you walk into our church, you are literally walking in the Word of Christ. Though the new wood flooring covers the concrete and the verses, the Word of God is still there. We may not always see God working behind the scenes, but he is with us step by step along the way. The dedication service is scheduled for March 8th at 10:30am. We are blessed to have the community involved! We would love to see you in worship at St. John Lutheran Church in Athens, Texas.
Blessings! Pastor Davidson