My favorite artist is Vincent Van Gogh. I love the way he experimented with shades of the same color. Very late in his life, he completed the work “Still Life: Vase with Twelve Sunflowers”. It is alluded to in his letters that he found sunflowers to be a symbol of gratitude.
If we could give each of you a sunflower to express our gratitude for you and your loyalty to our ministry, we would. Just as a sunflower is made of thousands of tiny flowers, Texas District Church Extension Fund is made up of thousands of investors who help us to achieve our mission to extend God’s Kingdom here in Texas.
Thank You to you and your family for investing in:
• Flex Savings
• Rainy Day Fund
• Fixed Rate Notes
• Floating Rate Notes
• Individual Retirement Accounts
Thank You to congregations for investing in:
• Congregation Savings
• Building Funds
and entrusting us to provide your loans!
We would like to extend a BIG TEXAS THANK YOU to you and let you know how much we appreciate you. YOU are essential to Kingdom building!