On January 9, 2022, Zion Lutheran Church and School of Dallas, Texas held the groundbreaking for a full-size, multi-use gymnasium that will be called the Recreational Outreach Center or “the ROC.”
Having partnered with Zion for over twenty years, Texas District CEF was excited to provide the loan for the 2015 first phase of Zion’s Boldly Building Zion’s Mission (BBZM) project which included new school offices, a music rehearsal hall, and several classrooms. After that loan was paid off, Zion and Texas District CEF partnered again in 2021 for the final phase – a state-of-the-art 12,500-square-foot Recreation Outreach Center.
The ROC will essentially complete Zion’s campus enabling the school to better serve its students and families, and the church, its members. Zion also anticipates, God willing, the ROC will also serve as an outreach facility to the community, a beacon on the busy corner of Skillman & Lovers Lane, and an apparatus or tool of the Lord’s to reach and make disciples.
Zion’s church members, school students, and school families anxiously await the completion of construction of the ROC which is anticipated this Spring. Texas District CEF is proud to team up with Zion and provide another opportunity to multiply followers of Jesus. To God be all the glory!
“For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God.” Hebrews 3:4